Cornerstone: where Jesus Christ is the object of our faith, the focus of our teaching, the basis of our fellowship, the hope of our prayers, and the subject of our witness.

We are a gospel-centered body of believers who love the Lord Jesus Christ and each other.  Members have a heart to see others come to faith in Christ. We are consciously and unashamedly united in our commitment to the Bible and Cornerstone’s confessional standards.

Pastor's Welcome

In this digital age, you can stream the best sermons and find online friends galore.  But there is not and never will be a replacement for the face-to-face ministry of the local church.  Hearing God’s Word preached in person, receiving direct pastoral care, and fellowshipping with real people is Christ’s design for His church.  Instead of anonymity, we can reach out in genuine relationships and say, “O Magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together!” 

Psalm 34:3 ESV

Rev. Frank Liu

Cornerstone Reformed Church is a confessional church. As such, we adhere to a written confession of faith that we believe to be a good and accurate summary of the Bible’s teaching. Our confessional standards consist of the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms. We believe these standards contain carefully worded summaries of the contents of sacred Scripture.

Our theology is “Reformed” in that, the distinctive doctrines of the magisterial Reformers such as Luther, Calvin and Knox are also embraced in a way that distinguishes the Reformed tradition from other Protestant bodies. Reformed theology places great emphasis on the doctrine of God, which doctrine is central to the whole of its theology. In a word, Reformed theology is God-centered.

Reformed theology teaches that we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, as revealed in the scripture alone, to the glory of God alone.

The Five Solas: Sola Gratia Sola Fide Solus Christus Sola Scriptura Soli Deo Gloria 

Sola Gratia

Grace Alone

Sola Fide

Faith Alone

Solus Christus

Christ Alone

Sola Scriptura

Scripture alone

Soli Deo Gloria

The Glory of God Alone

An image of the Bible Presbyterian Church logo. Cornerstone Reformed Church is a church plant under the BPC denomination.
Bible Presbyterian Church
An image of the Members of Cornerstone Reformed Church.
Our Core Group in 2018

We are Presbyterian in church polity, because we believe this is the form of church government seen in the Apostolic Church, with the spiritual leadership of the church found in the representative office of elder, both ruling and teaching. Also referred to in the Bible as bishops, overseers and presbyters, these elders are elected (or called by the congregation in the case of a teaching elder, who is usually given the title ‘minister’ or ‘pastor’), examined by the presbytery and set apart with the laying on of hands by the presbytery to their ruling or teaching office.

A session composed of a minister, and one or more ruling elders, governs each local church. The members of every session in a particular geographic region constitute a presbytery. Once a year, all the elders of the Bible Presbyterian Church gather together, constituting a national presbytery, or more commonly referred to as a Synod. We believe these to be the ecclesiastical courts of the church, as deduced from Scripture.

Should any difference or dispute arise among the members of a particular congregation, and the parties involved are unable or unwilling to resolve the matter according to Matthew 18, the whole matter should be referred to the elders of the church, beginning at the session level, with appeal rights to the local and national presbyteries.


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